Improving Global Model Precipitation Forecasts over India Using Downscaling and the FSU Superensemble. Part II: Seasonal Climate


Chakraborty Arindam1,Krishnamurti T. N.1


1. Department of Meteorology, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida


Abstract This study addresses seasonal forecasts of rains over India using the following components: high-resolution rain gauge–based rainfall data covering the years 1987–2001, rain-rate initialization, four global atmosphere–ocean coupled models, a regional downscaling of the multimodel forecasts, and a multimodel superensemble that includes a training and a forecast phase at the high resolution over the internal India domain. The results of monthly and seasonal forecasts of rains for the member models and for the superensemble are presented here. The main findings, assessed via the use of RMS error, anomaly correlation, equitable threat score, and ranked probability skill score, are (i) high forecast skills for the downscaled superensemble-based seasonal forecasts compared to the forecasts from the direct use of large-scale model forecasts were possible; (ii) very high scores for rainfall forecasts have been noted separately for dry and wet years, for different regions over India and especially for heavier rains in excess of 15 mm day−1; and (iii) the superensemble forecast skills exceed that of the benchmark observed climatology. The availability of reliable measures of high-resolution rain gauge–based rainfall was central for this study. Overall, the proposed algorithms, added together, show very promising results for the prediction of monsoon rains on the seasonal time scale.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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