Submesoscale Dynamics of a Gulf Stream Frontal Eddy in the South Atlantic Bight


Gula Jonathan1,Molemaker M. Jeroen2,McWilliams James C.2


1. Laboratoire de Physique des Océans, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France

2. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California


AbstractFrontal eddies are commonly observed and understood as the product of an instability of the Gulf Stream along the southeastern U.S. seaboard. Here, the authors study the dynamics of a simulated Gulf Stream frontal eddy in the South Atlantic Bight, including its structure, propagation, and emergent submesoscale interior and neighboring substructure, at very high resolution (dx = 150 m). A rich submesoscale structure is revealed inside the frontal eddy. Meander-induced frontogenesis sharpens the gradients and forms very sharp fronts between the eddy and the adjacent Gulf Stream. The strong straining increases the velocity shear and suppresses the development of barotropic instability on the upstream face of the meander trough. Barotropic instability of the sheared flow develops from small-amplitude perturbations when the straining weakens at the trough. Small-scale meandering perturbations evolve into rolled-up submesoscale vortices that are advected back into the interior of the frontal eddy. The deep fronts mix the tracer properties and enhance vertical exchanges of tracers between the mixed layer and the interior, as diagnosed by virtual Lagrangian particles. The frontal eddy also locally creates a strong southward flow against the shelf leading to topographic generation of submesoscale centrifugal instability and mixing. In eddy-resolving models that do not resolve these submesoscale processes, there is a significant weakening of the intensity of the upwelling in the core of the frontal eddies, and their decay is generally too fast.


American Meteorological Society









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