Global Oceans


Johnson Gregory C.1,Lumpkin Rick2,Alin Simone R.1,Amaya Dillon J.3,Baringer Molly O.2,Boyer Tim4,Brandt Peter5,Carter Brendan R.6,Cetinić Ivona7,Chambers Don P.8,Cheng Lijing9,Collins Andrew U.10,Cosca Cathy1,Domingues Ricardo11,Dong Shenfu2,Feely Richard A.1,Frajka-Williams Eleanor12,Franz Bryan A.13,Gilson John14,Goni Gustavo2,Hamlington Benjamin D.15,Herrford Josefine5,Hu Zeng-Zhen16,Huang Boyin17,Ishii Masayoshi18,Jevrejeva Svetlana19,Kennedy John J.20,Kersalé Marion11,Killick Rachel E.20,Landschützer Peter21,Lankhorst Matthias14,Leuliette Eric22,Locarnini Ricardo4,Lyman John M.23,Marra John J.24,Meinen Christopher S.2,Merrifield Mark A.25,Mitchum Gary T.8,Moat Ben I.12,Nerem R. Steven26,Perez Renellys C.2,Purkey Sarah G.14,Reagan James27,Sanchez-Franks Alejandra12,Scannell Hillary A.28,Schmid Claudia2,Scott Joel P.29,Siegel David A.30,Smeed David A.12,Stackhouse Paul W.31,Sweet William32,Thompson Philip R.25,Triñanes Joaquin A.33,Volkov Denis L.11,Wanninkhof Rik2,Weller Robert A.34,Wen Caihong16,Westberry Toby K.35,Widlansky Matthew J.25,Wilber Anne C.36,Yu Lisan34,Zhang Huai-Min17


1. NOAA/OAR Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington

2. NOAA/OAR Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, Florida

3. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

4. NOAA/NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information, Silver Spring, Maryland

5. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany

6. Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; NOAA/OAR Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington

7. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland; Universities Space Research Association, Columbia, Maryland

8. College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida

9. International Center for Climate and Environment Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

10. Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies, Seattle, Washington, University of Washington,

11. Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami, Miami, Florida; NOAA/OAR Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, Florida

12. National Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom

13. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

14. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California

15. Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia

16. NOAA/NWS NCEP Climate Prediction Center, College Park, Maryland

17. NOAA/NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information, Asheville, North Carolina

18. Department of Atmosphere, Ocean and Earth System Modeling Research, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Tsukuba, Japan

19. National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, United Kingdom

20. Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, United Kingdom

21. Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany

22. NOAA/NWS NCWCP Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, College Park, Maryland

23. Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii; NOAA/OAR Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington

24. NOAA/NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information, Honolulu, Hawaii

25. Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii

26. Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

27. Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center/Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies–Maryland, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland; NOAA/NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information, Silver Spring, Maryland

28. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, New York

29. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland; Science Application International Corporation, Reston, Virginia

30. University of California–Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California

31. NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

32. NOAA/NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Silver Spring, Maryland

33. Laboratory of Systems, Technological Research Institute, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami; NOAA/OAR Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, Florida

34. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

35. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

36. Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Hampton, Virginia


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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