1. GARP, 1969: An Introduction to GARP. GARP Publications Series 1, World Meteorological Organization and International Council of Scientific Unions, 33 pp.
2. GARP, 1970a: The Planning of GARP Tropical Experiments. GARP Publications Series 4, World Meteorological Organization and International Council of Scientific Unions, 90 pp.
3. GARP, 1970b: Report of Planning Conference on GARP: Brussels, March 1970. GARP Special Rep. 1, World Meteorological Organization and International Council of Scientific Unions, 42 pp.
4. GARP, 1970c: Report of Interim Planning Group on GARP Tropical Experiment in the Atlantic: London July 1970. GARP Special Rep. 2, World Meteorological Organization and International Council of Scientific Unions, 25 pp.
5. GARP, 1973: The Air-Mass Transformation Experiment. GARP Publications Series 13, World Meteorological Organization and International Council of Scientific Unions, 54 pp.