A Collaborative Effort to Better Understand, Measure, and Model Atmospheric Exchange Processes over Mountains


Rotach Mathias W.1,Serafin Stefano2,Ward Helen C.1,Arpagaus Marco3,Colfescu Ioana4,Cuxart Joan5,De Wekker Stephan F. J.6,Grubišic Vanda7,Kalthoff Norbert8,Karl Thomas1,Kirshbaum Daniel J.9,Lehner Manuela1,Mobbs Stephen10,Paci Alexandre11,Palazzi Elisa12,Bailey Adriana7,Schmidli Jürg13,Wittmann Christoph14,Wohlfahrt Georg15,Zardi Dino16


1. Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria;

2. Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria;

3. Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, MeteoSwiss, Zurich, Switzerland;

4. University of Oxford, and the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Oxford, United Kingdom;

5. Department of Physics, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma, Mallorca, Spain;

6. Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia;

7. Earth Observing Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado;

8. Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany;

9. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;

10. National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom;

11. Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, University of Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS, Toulouse, France;

12. Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council, Turin, Italy;

13. Department for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany;

14. Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Vienna, Austria;

15. Department of Ecology, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria;

16. Atmospheric Physics Group, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy


Abstract In this essay, we highlight some challenges the atmospheric community is facing concerning adequate treatment of flows over mountains and their implications for numerical weather prediction (NWP), climate simulations, and impact modeling. With recent increases in computing power (and hence model resolution) numerical models start to face new limitations (such as numerical instability over steep terrain). At the same time there is a growing need for sufficiently reliable NWP model output to drive various impact models (for hydrology, air pollution, agriculture, etc.). The input information for these impact models is largely produced by the boundary layer (BL) parameterizations of NWP models. All known BL parameterizations assume flat and horizontally homogeneous surface conditions, and their performance and interaction with resolved flows is massively understudied over mountains—hence their output may be accidentally acceptable at best. We therefore advocate the systematic investigation of the so-called “mountain boundary layer” (MoBL), introduced to emphasize its many differences to the BL over flat and horizontally homogeneous terrain. An international consortium of scientists has launched a research program, TEAMx (Multi-Scale Transport and Exchange Processes in the Atmosphere over Mountains–Program and Experiment), to address some of the most pressing scientific challenges. TEAMx is endorsed by World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) and the Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) project as a “cross-cutting project.” A program coordination office was established at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). This essay introduces the background to and content of a recently published white paper outlining the key research questions of TEAMx.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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