Raindrop Size Distribution and Rain Characteristics during the 2013 Great Colorado Flood


Friedrich Katja1,Kalina Evan A.1,Aikins Joshua1,Steiner Matthias2,Gochis David2,Kucera Paul A.2,Ikeda Kyoko2,Sun Juanzhen2


1. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

2. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado


Abstract Drop size distributions observed by four Particle Size Velocity (PARSIVEL) disdrometers during the 2013 Great Colorado Flood are used to diagnose rain characteristics during intensive rainfall episodes. The analysis focuses on 30 h of intense rainfall in the vicinity of Boulder, Colorado, from 2200 UTC 11 September to 0400 UTC 13 September 2013. Rainfall rates R, median volume diameters D0, reflectivity Z, drop size distributions (DSDs), and gamma DSD parameters were derived and compared between the foothills and adjacent plains locations. Rainfall throughout the entire event was characterized by a large number of small- to medium-sized raindrops (diameters smaller than 1.5 mm) resulting in small values of Z (<40 dBZ), differential reflectivity Zdr (<1.3 dB), specific differential phase Kdp (<1° km−1), and D0 (<1 mm). In addition, high liquid water content was present throughout the entire event. Raindrops observed in the plains were generally larger than those in the foothills. DSDs observed in the foothills were characterized by a large concentration of small-sized drops (d < 1 mm). Heavy rainfall rates with slightly larger drops were observed during the first intense rainfall episode (0000–0800 UTC 12 September) and were associated with areas of enhanced low-level convergence and vertical velocity according to the wind fields derived from the Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System. The disdrometer-derived Z–R relationships reflect how unusual the DSDs were during the 2013 Great Colorado Flood. As a result, Z–R relations commonly used by the operational NEXRAD strongly underestimated rainfall rates by up to 43%.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science








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