Evidence of Mixed Scaling for Mean Profile Similarity in the Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer


Heisel Michael1ORCID,Chamecki Marcelo2ORCID


1. a School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

2. b Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California


Abstract A new mixed scaling parameter Z = z/(Lh)1/2 is proposed for similarity in the stable atmospheric surface layer, where z is the height, L is the Obukhov length, and h is the boundary layer depth. In comparison with the parameter ζ = z/L from Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), the new parameter Z leads to improved mean profile similarity for wind speed and air temperature in large-eddy simulations. It also yields the same linear similarity relation for CASES-99 field measurements, including in the strongly stable (but still turbulent) regime where large deviations from MOST are observed. Results further suggest that similarity for turbulent energy dissipation rate depends on both Z and ζ. The proposed mixed scaling of Z and relevance of h can be explained by physical arguments related to the limit of z-less stratification that is reached asymptotically above the surface layer. The presented evidence and fitted similarity relations are promising, but the results and arguments are limited to a small sample of idealized stationary stable boundary layers. Corroboration is needed from independent datasets and analyses, including for complex and transient conditions not tested here.


National Science Foundation

Biological and Environmental Research


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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