Responses of Global Atmospheric Energy Transport to Idealized Groundwater Conditions in a General Circulation Model


Lan Chia-Wei1ORCID,Hwang Yen-Ting1,Chien Rong-You1,Ducharne Agnès2,Lo Min-Hui1


1. a Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

2. b Sorbonne Université, CNRS, EPHE, UMR 7619 Metis, Paris, France


Abstract The representation of groundwater dynamics in land surface models and their roles in global precipitation variations has received attention in recent years. Studies have revealed the overall higher soil moisture but rather diverse precipitation changes after incorporating the groundwater component in climate models. However, groundwater effects on large-scale atmospheric energy transport, the fundamental atmospheric variable regulating Earth’s climate, have not been explored thoroughly. In this study, a pair of idealized experiments corresponding to contrast globally fixed water table depths by AMIP-type simulations in the Community Earth System Model was conducted. In the wet (shallow water table) experiments, an increased meridional surface temperature gradient makes the mean meridional energy transports and Hadley circulation stronger than dry (deep water table) experiments over the tropics. Such energy transport changes are primarily attributed to the dynamic contribution (intensified Hadley circulation). The wet experiments make the simulated world be like an aquaplanet simulation with less land–sea temperature contrast and the enhancement (reduction) of mean meridional circulation (stationary eddies) energy transports. Furthermore, the South Asian monsoon circulation in the wet experiment shows a southward shift in the premonsoon season (April–June) and slight weakening in the mature phase (July and August). This study explores the impacts of the soil conditions caused by various water table depths on global energy transport and has further implications for climate model developments and experiment designs.


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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