A Global Perspective on the Upper Branch of the Hadley Cell


Hoskins B. J.12,Yang G.-Y.13


1. a Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom

2. b Grantham Institute—Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom

3. c Climate Directorate, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom


Abstract The global perspective presented here is built on earlier papers discussing the dynamics of the upper branch of the Hadley cell in the two solsticial seasons. The role of the tropics is made explicit in a conceptual model that is presented and evaluated. The fluctuation of deep tropical convection in longitude and time is seen as crucial. The filamentary outflows from such convective events move westward and across the equator deep into the winter hemisphere. The horizontal tilt of the cross-equatorial flow implies a significant upper-tropospheric flux of westerly momentum from the winter tropics to the summer hemisphere. These properties are related to the cross-equatorial propagation of wave activity triggered by deep tropical convection in the summer hemisphere. The filaments carry with them near-equatorial values of absolute vorticity and potential vorticity. After turning anticyclonically, some filaments move eastward and poleward to the equatorial edge of the winter subtropical jet. There is strong evidence they can interact with the eddies on this jet and enhance their poleward westerly momentum flux. In the global perspective, tropical and extratropical systems and the interaction between them are all important for the dynamics of the upper branch of the Hadley cell. significance statement The Hadley cell is the large-scale overturning in the atmosphere with air in the upper troposphere moving from the equatorial region to near 30° in the winter hemisphere. In the standard view it is midlatitude weather systems that are responsible for removing angular momentum from this upper branch of the Hadley cell. Here it is proposed that tropical systems and their interaction with the midlatitude systems are also important. Insight into the role of the tropics in the dynamics of the Hadley cell can be obtained by considering it as the sum of many events of active deep convection occurring in different longitudes and at different times.


Natural Environment Research Council


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

Reference32 articles.

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4. The ERA-Interim reanalysis: Configuration and performance of the data assimilation system;Dee, D. P.,2011

5. Tropical zonal momentum balance in the NCEP reanalyses;Dima, I. M.,2005








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