Atmospheric Latent Energy Transport Pathways into the Arctic and Their Connections to Sea Ice Loss during Winter over the Observational Period


Liang Yu123ORCID,Bi Haibo124,Lei Ruibo35,Vihma Timo6,Huang Haijun12


1. a Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China

2. b University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

3. d Key Laboratory for Polar Science, MNR, Polar Research Institute of China, Shanghai, China

4. c Laboratory for Marine Geology, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao, China

5. e Technology and Equipment Engineering Centre for Polar Observations, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan, China

6. f Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland


Abstract To investigate patterns of horizontal atmospheric latent energy (LE) transport toward the Arctic, we applied the self-organizing maps (SOM) method to the daily vertically integrated horizontal LE flux from ERA5 in winter (January–March) during 1979–2021. A clear picture depicting the LE transport to the Arctic at a synoptic scale then emerged, with four primary transport pathways identified: the northern Europe, the Davis Strait, the Greenland Sea, and the Bering Strait pathways. The four primary pathways occurred at a comparable frequency, and noticeable interannual variability was observed in their time series of frequency during 1979–2021. Further analysis suggested that the northward LE transport through all these pathways is significantly modulated by cyclones, with the northern Europe and the Greenland Sea pathways being mostly affected. Generally, more frequent and stronger cyclones were observed near the entry regions of LE transport compared to other regions. Moreover, this study provides a comprehensive picture of how atmospheric LE transport is related to air temperature, moisture, surface heat flux, and sea ice anomalies over the Arctic Ocean in winter. Through a thermodynamic perspective, we argue that the deleterious impacts of poleward LE transport on Arctic sea ice are to a large extent attributable to the enhanced local atmosphere–ice interactions, which increase downward longwave radiation (DLR) plus turbulent fluxes, consequently warming the surface and promoting the loss of sea ice. According to the quantitative results, among the four primary pathways, LE transport through the Davis Strait and the Greenland Sea could cause the loss of Arctic sea ice most efficiently.


Program of Shanghai/Technology Academic Research Leader

Laoshan Laboratory

Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province

National Natural Science Foundation of China


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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