Remote Midlatitude Control of Rainfall Onset at the Southern African Tropical Edge


Knight Charles1ORCID,Washington Richard1


1. a School of Geography and Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


Abstract Rainfall over the southern African tropical boundary is highly variable, particularly around the onset of the summer rains. However, understanding of the causes of variability in onset timing is poor. A lack of observational data in the region is compounded by the complexity of climate dynamics and variability at the interface of the tropics and the midlatitudes. The key to onset over the region is the Congo air boundary (CAB), a distinguishing circulation feature present in September and declining in frequency until November. The CAB is crucial to early season rainfall; precipitation is broadly inhibited when the CAB is present, while its breakdown allows large-scale rainfall and onset over central southern Africa. This work identifies a remote midlatitude influence on the timing of CAB breakdown using the high-resolution reanalysis dataset ERA5. Propagating and (upstream) breaking low-wavenumber Rossby waves in the Southern Hemisphere westerly jet are shown to be related to >70% of breakdown events. Breakdown is forced by 1) the replacement of subsidence over eastern southern Africa with synoptically forced ascent and 2) wind field modification that leads to positive 850-hPa continental convergence anomalies and enhanced moisture advection from the Congo basin and Indian Ocean. Upper-level anticyclonic vorticity tendency induced by enhanced convection slows Rossby wave propagation aloft, contributing to wave breaking and the persistence of conditions favorable to convection. The identification of this midlatitude influence on CAB breakdown reveals new potential sources of predictability for onset and demonstrates the significant equatorward extent of midlatitude influences to the tropical edge. Significance Statement This study aims to improve our understanding of the causes of variability in the start date of the summer rainy season in central southern Africa. The research reveals that certain upper-level waves in the Southern Hemisphere westerly jet are associated with patterns of weather that force a large-scale transition from dry pre-onset conditions to widespread rainfall in a time scale of 2–5 days, and that these waves account for a large proportion of such transitions. This finding is of interest to subseasonal weather forecasters and may help to improve the long-range forecasting of onset date.


Natural Environment Research Council

Keble College, University of Oxford


American Meteorological Society

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