Southern Hemisphere Storm Tracks and Large-Scale Variability: What Do the Latest Reanalyses Say?


Campbell Isaac1,Renwick James A.1


1. a Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


Abstract In this study, we explore linkages between the monthly mean 500 hPa height field (Z500) and its high-frequency variability over 2–8-day periods, a proxy for Southern Hemisphere storm track activity. We apply maximum covariance analysis to identify leading modes of covariability between the Z500 and high-frequency variance anomalies on monthly and submonthly time scales, using two reanalysis products. We also calculate covariance with indices of large-scale variability [Southern Annular Mode (SAM), El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and zonal wave 3 (ZW3)]. We find large-scale circulation patterns emerge as prominent modes of covariability, particularly SAM and ENSO, accounting for 11.1% and 7.8% of covariability on the monthly scale, respectively. The seasonal cycle plays a prominent role in explaining variability in both SAM and ENSO interactions with the storm track. We find that despite a broadly linear response, both SAM and ENSO teleconnections present additional complexities and nonlinearities. Despite strong ZW3 signals in the mean height field, its influence on the high-frequency variance field remains unclear. We conclude the mean height field is most likely strongly linked with high-frequency variance, but interference from other influences may lead to an inconsistent response. We note both fields have an apparent hemispheric response to the SAM, but ENSO has a more regional response and ZW3 a relatively incoherent response. This suggests ENSO and ZW3 patterns depend less on feedbacks between the storm track and the mean height field than the SAM.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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