Reducing a Tropical Cyclone Weak-Intensity Bias in a Global Numerical Weather Prediction System


McTaggart-Cowan Ron1ORCID,Nolan David S.2,Aider Rabah1,Charron Martin1,Chen Jan-Huey3,Cossette Jean-François1,Gaudreault Stéphane1,Husain Syed1,Magnusson Linus4,Qaddouri Abdessamad1,Separovic Leo1,Subich Christopher1,Yang Jing1


1. a Atmospheric Numerical Weather Prediction Research Section, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Dorval, Quebec, Canada

2. b Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida

3. c NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey

4. d European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, United Kingdom


Abstract The operational Canadian Global Deterministic Prediction System suffers from a weak-intensity bias for simulated tropical cyclones. The presence of this bias is confirmed in progressively simplified experiments using a hierarchical system development technique. Within a semi-idealized, simplified-physics framework, an unexpected insensitivity to the representation of relevant physical processes leads to investigation of the model’s semi-Lagrangian dynamical core. The root cause of the weak-intensity bias is identified as excessive numerical dissipation caused by substantial off-centering in the two time-level time integration scheme used to solve the governing equations. Any (semi)implicit semi-Lagrangian model that employs such off-centering to enhance numerical stability will be afflicted by a misalignment of the pressure gradient force in strong vortices. Although the associated drag is maximized in the tropical cyclone eyewall, the impact on storm intensity can be mitigated through an intercomparison-constrained adjustment of the model’s temporal discretization. The revised configuration is more sensitive to changes in physical parameterizations and simulated tropical cyclone intensities are improved at each step of increasing experimental complexity. Although some rebalancing of the operational system may be required to adapt to the increased effective resolution, significant reduction of the weak-intensity bias will improve the quality of Canadian guidance for global tropical cyclone forecasting. Significance Statement Global numerical weather prediction systems provide important guidance to forecasters about tropical cyclone development, motion, and intensity. Despite recent improvements in the Canadian operational model’s ability to predict tropical cyclone formation, the system systematically underpredicts the intensity of these storms. In this study, we use a set of increasingly simplified experiments to identify the source of this error, which lies in the numerical time-stepping scheme used to solve the model equations. By decreasing numerical drag on the tropical cyclone circulation, intensity predictions that resemble those of other global modeling systems are achieved. This will improve the quality of Canadian tropical cyclone guidance for forecasters around the world.


Office of Naval Research Global


American Meteorological Society

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