Hydrologic Prediction over the Conterminous United States Using the National Multi-Model Ensemble


Mo Kingtse C.1,Lettenmaier Dennis P.2


1. Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, College Park, Maryland

2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington


Abstract The authors analyzed the skill of monthly and seasonal soil moisture (SM) and runoff (RO) forecasts over the United States performed by driving the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrologic model with forcings derived from the National Multi-Model Ensemble hindcasts (NMME_VIC). The grand ensemble mean NMME_VIC forecasts were compared to ensemble streamflow prediction (ESP) forecasts derived from the VIC model forced by resampling of historical observations during the forecast period (ESP_VIC), using the same initial conditions as NMME_VIC. The forecast period is from 1982 to 2010, with the forecast initialized on 1 January, 1 April, 5 July, and 3 October. Overall, forecast skill is seasonally and regionally dependent. The authors found that 1) the skill of the grand ensemble mean NMME_VIC forecasts is comparable with that of the individual model that has the highest skill; 2) for all forecast initiation dates, the initial conditions play a dominant role in forecast skill at 1-month lead, and at longer lead times, forcings derived from NMME forecasts start to contribute to forecast skill; and 3) the initial conditions dominate contributions to skill for a dry climate regime that covers the western interior states for all seasons and the north-central part of the country for January. In this regime, the forecast skill for both methods is high even at 3-month lead. This regime has low mean precipitation and precipitation variations, and the influence of precipitation on SM and RO is weak. In contrast, a wet regime covers the region from the Gulf states to the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys for forecasts initialized in January and April, the Southwest monsoon region, the Southeast, and the East Coast in summer. In these dynamically active regions, where rainfall depends on the path of the moisture transport and atmospheric forcing, forecast skill is low. For this regime, the climate forecasts contribute to skill. Skillful precipitation forecasts after lead 1 have the potential to improve SM and RO forecast skill, but it was found that this mostly was not the case for the NMME models.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science








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