Predictability of Rainfall over Equatorial East Africa in the ECMWF Ensemble Reforecasts on Short- to Medium-Range Time Scales


Ageet Simon12,Fink Andreas H.1,Maranan Marlon1,Schulz Benedikt3


1. a Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

2. b Uganda National Meteorological Authority, Kampala, Uganda

3. c Institute for Stochastics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany


Abstract Despite the enormous potential of precipitation forecasts to save lives and property in Africa, low skill has limited their uptake. To assess the skill and improve the performance of the forecast, validation and postprocessing should continuously be carried out. Here, we evaluate the quality of reforecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts over equatorial East Africa (EEA) against satellite and rain gauge observations for the period 2001–18. The 24-h rainfall accumulations are analyzed from short- to medium-range time scales. Additionally, 48- and 120-h rainfall accumulations were also assessed. The skill was assessed using an extended probabilistic climatology (EPC) derived from the observations. Results show that the reforecasts overestimate rainfall, especially during the rainy seasons and over high-altitude areas. However, there is potential of skill in the raw forecasts up to 14-day lead time. There is an improvement of up to 30% in the Brier score/continuous ranked probability score relative to EPC in most areas, especially the higher-altitude regions, decreasing with lead time. Aggregating the reforecasts enhances the skill further, likely due to a reduction in timing mismatches. However, for some regions of the study domain, the predictive performance is worse than EPC, mainly due to biases. Postprocessing the reforecasts using isotonic distributional regression considerably improves skill, increasing the number of grid points with positive Brier skill score (continuous ranked probability skill score) by an average of 81% (91%) for lead times 1–14 days ahead. Overall, the study highlights the potential of the reforecasts, the spatiotemporal variation in skill, and the benefit of postprocessing in EEA.


German Academic Exchange Service

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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