Clouds, Aerosols, and Precipitation in the Marine Boundary Layer: An Arm Mobile Facility Deployment


Wood Robert1,Wyant Matthew1,Bretherton Christopher S.1,Rémillard Jasmine2,Kollias Pavlos3,Fletcher Jennifer1,Stemmler Jayson1,de Szoeke Simone4,Yuter Sandra5,Miller Matthew5,Mechem David6,Tselioudis George2,Chiu J. Christine7,Mann Julian A. L.7,O’Connor Ewan J.8,Hogan Robin J.7,Dong Xiquan9,Miller Mark10,Ghate Virendra11,Jefferson Anne12,Min Qilong13,Minnis Patrick14,Palikonda Rabindra15,Albrecht Bruce16,Luke Ed17,Hannay Cecile18,Lin Yanluan19


1. Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

2. Columbia University, New York, New York

3. McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

4. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

5. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina

6. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

7. University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom

8. University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom, and Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland

9. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota

10. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey

11. Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois

12. CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

13. University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, New York

14. NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

15. Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Hampton, Virginia

16. University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida

17. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York

18. National Center for Atmospheric Research,* Boulder, Colorado

19. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling, Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Abstract The Clouds, Aerosol, and Precipitation in the Marine Boundary Layer (CAP-MBL) deployment at Graciosa Island in the Azores generated a 21-month (April 2009–December 2010) comprehensive dataset documenting clouds, aerosols, and precipitation using the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) Mobile Facility (AMF). The scientific aim of the deployment is to gain improved understanding of the interactions of clouds, aerosols, and precipitation in the marine boundary layer. Graciosa Island straddles the boundary between the subtropics and midlatitudes in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and consequently experiences a great diversity of meteorological and cloudiness conditions. Low clouds are the dominant cloud type, with stratocumulus and cumulus occurring regularly. Approximately half of all clouds contained precipitation detectable as radar echoes below the cloud base. Radar and satellite observations show that clouds with tops from 1 to 11 km contribute more or less equally to surface-measured precipitation at Graciosa. A wide range of aerosol conditions was sampled during the deployment consistent with the diversity of sources as indicated by back-trajectory analysis. Preliminary findings suggest important two-way interactions between aerosols and clouds at Graciosa, with aerosols affecting light precipitation and cloud radiative properties while being controlled in part by precipitation scavenging. The data from Graciosa are being compared with short-range forecasts made with a variety of models. A pilot analysis with two climate and two weather forecast models shows that they reproduce the observed time-varying vertical structure of lower-tropospheric cloud fairly well but the cloud-nucleating aerosol concentrations less well. The Graciosa site has been chosen to be a permanent fixed ARM site that became operational in October 2013.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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