1. Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Hyderabad, India
2. Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Hyderabad, and Department of Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, India
3. Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Hyderabad, and Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Pune, India
4. Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Hyderabad, India, and Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
5. Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
6. National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Goa, India
7. National Institute of Oceanography, CSIR, Goa, India
8. National Institute of Oceanography, CSIR, Vishakhapatnam, India
9. National Institute of Ocean Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Chennai, India
10. Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Pune, India
11. National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Noida, India