Barotropic and Baroclinic M2 Tides in the Monterey Bay Region


Carter G. S.1


1. Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii


Abstract A high-resolution (250 m) primitive equation model is used to simulate the depth-averaged and baroclinic M2 tides in the Monterey Bay region. The model shows a high level of skill in comparisons with sea level observations. ADCP current observations within the submarine canyon are reasonably well reproduced. The modeled depth-averaged currents have a complex spatial pattern with magnitudes in excess of 0.1 m s−1 near Moss Landing. During the second half of flood (ebb) tide, the flow is into (out of) the bay through the canyon but out of (into) the bay over the shelf regions. This depth-averaged flow pattern is not evident in a diagnostic run, implying a feedback between the internal tides and the pressure gradient in the bay. The depth-integrated baroclinic (total minus depth-averaged) energy fluxes show a complex beamlike pattern due to the interaction of energy from multiple sources. The beams have magnitudes up to 1 kW m−1 interspersed with regions of near-zero depth-integrated flux. Energy entering the bay propagates northward from generation regions along the continental margins to the south of the bay (notably on the flanks of Sur Platform) and is steered into the canyon. A localized increase in depth-integrated baroclinic flux magnitude (up to 5 times the values elsewhere in the domain) closely follows the canyon axis near the mouth of the bay, presumably due to topographic focusing. Upper ocean velocities from a long-term surface mooring (MBARI M1) are used to assess the temporal variability of the M2 tide outside the canyon.


American Meteorological Society



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