Emblems: Meaning at the interface of language and gesture


Gawne Lauren1ORCID,Cooperrider Kensy2ORCID


1. Department of Languages and Linguistics, La Trobe University

2. University of California – San Diego


Emblems—the THUMBS UP, the HEAD SHAKE, the PEACE SIGN, the SHHH—are communicative gestures that have a conventional form and conventional meaning within a particular community. This makes them more “word-like” than other gestures and gives them a distinctive position at the interface between language and gesture. Here we provide an overview of emblems as a recurring feature of the human communicative toolkit. We first discuss the major defining features of these gestures, and their points of commonality and difference with neighbouring communicative phenomena. Next, we review efforts to document emblems around the world. Our survey highlights the patchiness of global coverage, as well as strengths and limitations of approaches used to date. Finally, we consider a handful of open questions about emblems, including how they mean, how they are learned, and why they exist in the first place. Addressing these questions will require collaboration among linguists, lexicographers, anthropologists, cognitive scientists, and others. It will also deepen our understanding of human semiotic systems and how they interface with each other.


Open Library of the Humanities

Reference136 articles.

1. A repertoire of Yoruba hand and face gestures;Agwuele, Augustine;Gesture,2014

2. Language, gesture, and the developing brain;Bates, Elizabeth;Developmental Psychobiology,2002

3. An experimental study of when and how speakers use gestures to communicate;Bavelas, JanetKenwood, ChristineJohnston, TrudyPhillips, Bruce;Gesture,2002








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