Marjenah, Putri NP. 2017. Morphological characteristic and physical environment of Terminalia catappa in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Asian J For 1: 33-39. Tropical almond (Terminalia catappa) is a large, spreading tree distributed throughout the tropics in coastal environments. The tree is tolerant of strong winds, salt spray, and moderately high salinity in the root zone. It is widely planted throughout the tropics, especially along sandy seashores, for shade, ornamental purposes, and edible nuts. The timber can be made into a useful and decorative general-purpose hardwood and is well suited for conversion into furniture and interior building timbers. Fruits are produced from about 3 years of age. The leaves change color from green to red, yellow or gold and copper brown during the dry season and then are shed. Terminalia catappa L. belongs to the family Combretaceae. This study aims to determine the morphological characteristics and physical environment of T. catappa. Habitat and to obtain T. catappa Linn. tree that produces the best biodiesel. The research object was a T. catappa trees planted as shade trees on the side of road in three regency/cities (Balikpapan, Samarinda, and Kutai Kartanegara), that are categorized in pursuance of the height above sea level. Data collected from each tree are Physical Environmental and Morphological Characteristics. The flushing, flowering, and fruiting are also observed, to determine the fruit/seed produced by a T. catappa tree.
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