Sustainable Private Public Dialogues for Improving Local Economic Development in Tanzania: A Case of Kigoma Region


P. Bishagazi Kaihula1


1. Saint Augustine University of Tanzania


This paper presents findings of the study to examine the current PPD practices in Kigoma region in order to identify main challenges and gaps in the current PPD model in order to provide appropriate recommendations for improvement of the current PPD practices. The researcher adopted a qualitative research approach in order to obtain in-depth information about PPDs practices from participants who share the same mandate; using the case study of Kasulu and Kibondo district councils. The targeted population included government officials, traders, farmers, Private Sector Organizations, financial institutions and influential people in the respective areas. These respondents were selected purposively because they were knowledgeable and informative about PPD practices taking place at Kasulu and Kibondo Districts. In total, 120 respondents were interviewed in both districts. The study found that Kigoma region has adopted “the hub” PPD model which involves a dedicated secretariat charged with mobilizing constructive dialogues. However, PPD practices are currently constrained with limited capacity in terms of finance, tools, technical know-how, influence, and convincing power to stretch across different government departments and agencies. In order to improve PPD forums, main recommendations include forming permanent working groups based on the important sectors in the local areas, appropriation of funds to the task forces/ working groups and that policy should be designed to ensure that members for the PPDs have specific tenure.


Gitoya Centre for Academic Research and Dissemination







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