Effect of School Management on Teachers’ Commitment: A Case of Government Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania


Mwamatandala Augustino1,S. Muneja Mussa1


1. University of Arusha


This study sought to establish the effects of school’s management on teachers’ commitment among public secondary schools in Arusha City. The study employed quantitative research approach in collecting and analyzing data in that closed ended questionnaire was filled by 140 randomly selected teachers. Data for the first and second research questions on school management effectiveness and teachers’ commitment was analyzed through descriptive statistics while the third research question was analyzed through Pearson Correlations. The findings revealed that management in schools under investigation is effective and teachers are committed toward accomplishment of school goals. Secondly, the study revealed a significant relationship between school management effectiveness and teacher’s commitment. This study recommends that the management in schools under investigation should enhance management effectiveness in order to realize improved teachers’ commitment which is essential for academic performance and realization of school goals and objectives.


Gitoya Centre for Academic Research and Dissemination

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