1. Department of History, Political Science and Development Studies, Dar es Salaam University College of Education, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
This paper sought to establish the awareness of the importance of patient privacy as well as the awareness of available policies guiding the handling of patients’ personal and health records. Using the case study design, the study collected data from doctors, nurses, ICT officers as well as patients from four hospitals selected purposively in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma regions of Tanzania. A total of 43 respondents participated in this study. Data was subjected to thematic analysis using the NVIVO 12 plus computer package. Results show that both providers and users of e – health services in Tanzania consider patient privacy to be an important issue and they relate it to morality, personal respect and dignity. Level of awareness of existing government institutions guiding the work of health service providers was found to be low. It is concluded that, the presence of regulatory institutions is not enough if these institutions are not known, valued, considered and used by members of organizations. There is a need for the e – health service providers and patients to familiarize themselves with available policies and regulations for the health providers and for the government to promote these regulatory institutions.
Gitoya Centre for Academic Research and Dissemination
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