Influence of Primary School Head Teachers’ Instructional Leadership on Teachers’ Professional Practices in Musanze District, Rwanda


Jeannette Nirere1,Ntawiha Philothere2,Leonard Buhigiro Jean1


1. College of Education, University of Rwanda

2. Ntawiha


The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of head teachers’ instructional leadership on teachers’ professional practices in primary schools of Musanze district in Rwanda. The study employed the correlational research design. A questionnaire made of close-ended items was used to collect data related to head teachers’ instructional leadership as well as teachers’ professional practices. Descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation were used to describe head teachers’ leadership practices and teachers’ professional practices. Furthermore, regression analysis was used to determine the influence of head teachers’ instructional leadership on teachers’ professional practices. Based on the findings, the study concludes that head teachers in primary schools of Musanze District rarely implement practices related to instructional leadership. Furthermore, professional practices were not satisfactory as teachers rarely or sometimes acted professionally. Finally, poor professional practices are explained by the poor instructional leadership practices of their head teachers. The following recommendations have been made: Policymakers should build the capacity of primary school head teachers in terms of instructional leadership in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Furthermore, head teachers should make more use of instructional leadership to improve professional practices of teachers.


Gitoya Centre for Academic Research and Dissemination

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