1. The British Medical Association: The Handbook of Medical Ethics. Cambridge University Press, 1986; 30-31.
2. The Center For Bioethics University of Pensylvania. Researc Ethics. http://Bioethics.net.txt adresinden indirildi.
3. CTC_ETHICS: Ethical issues in clinical trial collaborations with developing countries. http://www.ht.uib.no/i/filosofisk/ethica/ctc.html adresinden indirildi.
4. Beauchamp TL. Walters LR. Contemporary Issues in Bioethics. Third. Edition.Wadsworth Publishing Company. Belmont, CA, 1989.
5. The Belmont Report. Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research. April 18, 1979. DHEW Publication No. (OS) 78-0013 and No.(OS) 78-0014. Washington, D.C.