Embracing metaphysics in transpersonal psychology: A response to Steve Taylor


Daniels Michael


Steve Taylor’s Review of the new edition of my book Shadow, Self, Spirit (2021) focuses on a critique of what he sees as my ‘sceptical’ stance on metaphysics and my rejection of his own ‘soft perennialism’. I respond to Taylor’s criticisms by noting: (1) that my own perspective rejects materialism and acknowledges the need for metaphysical concepts in transpersonal psychology; and (2) that, in researching transpersonal phenomena, researchers should aim to bracket metaphysical assumptions and should prefer non-metaphysical explanations where these are sufficient. I expand upon and clarify my criticisms of soft perennialism and argue that Jorge Ferrer’s participatory theory offers a more productive approach to understanding metaphysics, the varieties of spiritual experience, and religious pluralism.


British Psychological Society

Reference24 articles.

1. The Emperor’s New Clothes: Ferrer isn’t wearing any – Participatory is perennial. A reply to Hartelius

2. Daniels, M. (2021). Shadow, self, spirit: Essays in transpersonal psychology (Revised and enlarged edn.). Imprint Academic.

3. Ferrer, J.N. (2002). Revisioning transpersonal theory: A participatory vision of human spirituality. State University of New York Press.

4. Ferrer, J.N. (2017). Participation and the mystery: Transpersonal essays in psychology, education, and religion. State University of New York Press.

5. Transpersonal Psychology as a Scientific Field

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