‘The most important thing is that we actually work together towards our relationship.’An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis on how young women in couple relationships experience mental health and wellbeing


Groza Madalina


Young women’s mental health is reported to be poorer, and it seems to be most affected by relationship quality in comparison to young men. This study explored the experiences of mental health and wellbeing in young women’s couple relationships. The participants were five females, between 19 to 28 years old, and were in monogamous long-term heterosexual couple relationships. The data was collected via semi-structured interviews, which was later analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The findings demonstrate that couple relationships seemed to only have a positive impact on the participants’ wellbeing if their investments within the relationship were reciprocated. These findings have the potential to aid support services by shedding light on the role that the quality of couple relationships play in young women’s mental health and wellbeing.


British Psychological Society

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