1. Baker, G. (2004) Wittgenstein's Method Neglected Aspects (London: Blackwell).
2. Bouveresse, J. (1995) Wittgenstein Reads Freud, trans. C. Cosman (Princeton, NJ: PUP).
3. Bouwsma, O.K. (1986) Wittgenstein: Conversations 1949-1951, ed. Craft and Hustwit (Indianapolis: Hackett).
4. Cavell, S. (1958) “The Availability of Later Wittgenstein's Philosophy” in his Must We Mean What We Say? (Cambridge: CUP, 1969).
5. Drury, M. (1981) “Conversation with Wittgenstein” in Rhees, R Ludwig Wittgenstein Personal Recollections (Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield), p.151.