1. Medical Research Council Population Health Research Unit (R.H., P.K.J., W.G.H., B.C.S., M.H., M.J.L., C.B.), University of Oxford, UK.
2. Clinical Trial Service Unit (R.H., P.K.J., N.S., W.G.H., B.C.S., L.B., M.H., M.J.L., C.B.), University of Oxford, UK.
3. Nuffield Department of Population Health, and Diabetes Trials Unit, Radcliffe Department of Medicine (A.B.), University of Oxford, UK.
4. Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Leicester, UK (N.B.).
5. Department of Nephrology, University Hospitals Birmingham, UK (P.C.).
6. Department of Nephrology, Salford Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK (P.A.K.).
7. Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK (J.J.V.M.).
8. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK (M.T.).
9. Centre for Nephrology, University College London, UK (D.C.W.).