1. Kolling Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, Australia (G.A.F., S.T.V.).
2. Department of Cardiology, Royal North Shore Hospital, Northern Sydney Local Health District, Australia (G.A.F., S.T.V.).
3. Charles Perkins Centre (G.A.F., C.K.C.), University of Sydney, Australia.
4. Faculty of Medicine and Health (G.A.F., D.S.C., N.G., S.P., S.T.V.), University of Sydney, Australia.
5. Christchurch Heart Institute, University of Otago Christchurch, New Zealand (P.D.A.).
6. British Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (P.D.A., D.E.N.).
7. Acute Vascular Imaging Centre (C.A.), Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK.
8. Division of Cardiovascular Medicine (C.A.), Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK.
9. Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Baltimore, MD (R.S.B., M. Blaha).
10. Lundquist Institute, Torrance, CA (M.B.).
11. Departments of Cardiology (D.S.C., S.P.), Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
12. Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore (M.Y.C.).
13. Westmead Applied Research Centre (C.K.C.), University of Sydney, Australia.
14. Biomedical Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA (D.D.).
15. Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, University of Western Australia (G.D.).
16. Department of Cardiology, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, Australia (G.D.).
17. Imaging and Phenotyping Laboratory (S.M.G.), University of Sydney, Australia.
18. Radiology (S.M.G.), Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
19. Faculty of Medicine and Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland and School of Medicine, Griffith University Sunshine Coast, Australia (C.H.-C.).
20. CSL Limited, Melbourne, Australia (B.A.K.).
21. Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Darlinghurst, Australia (J.C.K.).
22. St Vincent’s Clinical School, University of NSW, Australia (J.C.K.).
23. Cardiovascular Research Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY (J.C.K.).
24. Cleerly, Inc., New York, NY (J.K.M.).
25. Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia (K.P.).
26. Department of Cardiology, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia (K.P.).
27. Lifelong Health, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide (P.J.P.).
28. Department of Cardiology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia (P.J.P.).
29. Monash Heart, Clayton, Australia (D.T.W., S.J.N.).
30. Victorian Heart Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (D.T.W., S.J.N.).