1. Department of Human BiologyNUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology, and MetabolismMaastricht University Medical CenterMaastricht, the Netherlands
2. Department of Internal MedicineDivision of EndocrinologyNUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology, and MetabolismMaastricht University Medical CenterMaastricht, the Netherlands
3. Department of General Internal MedicineRadboud University Nijmegen Medical CentreNijmegen, the Netherlands
4. Department of Human Movement SciencesNUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology, and MetabolismMaastricht University Medical CenterMaastricht, the Netherlands
5. Department of CardiologyRadboud University Nijmegen Medical CentreNijmegen, the Netherlands
6. Department of RadiologyNUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology, and MetabolismMaastricht University Medical CenterMaastricht, the Netherlands
7. Institute of Molecular BiosciencesUniversity of GrazGraz, Austria