Evidence for a splanchnic sodium input monitor regulating renal sodium excretion in man. Lack of dependence upon aldosterone.


Carey R M


Eight normal male subjects were placed on a constant 10 mEq sodium, 60 mEq potassium diet for 5 days. At 8:00 a.m. on the 5th day, the subjects were given a standard dose of 100 mEq of sodium orally or intravenously. Subjects receiving oral sodium also received 200ml of 5% dextrose in water intravenously, and those receiving intravenous sodium also received placebo capsules orally. Water intake and posture were controlled. The subjects then returned to a free diet for 1 month and subsequently were restudied by using the opposite route of sodium administration. The subjects given the oral sodium load excreted greater quantities of sodium in their urine than those repleted intravenously. The differential natriuresis was significant as early as 2 hours after sodium loading. Plasma aldosterone concentration was similar irrespective of the route of sodium administration. Six patients with primary adrenocortical insufficiency and documented hypoaldosteronism were studied with the same protocol after 5 days of 50 mEq sodium, 60 mEq potassium intake. They also had significantly greater natriuresis after oral than intravenous sodium administration. The data suggest the presence of a splanchnic input monitor for sodium which partially regulates renal sodium excretion and is not dependent upon a turn-off mechanism for aldosterone secretion.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Physiology

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