Blood pressure and plasma angiotensin II concentration after renal artery constriction and angiotensin infusion in the dog. (5-Isoleucine)angiotensin II and its breakdown fragments in dog blood.


Caravaggi A M,Bianchi G,Brown J J,Lever A F,Morton J J,Powell-Jackson J D,Robertson J I,Semple P F


We measured arterial plasma angiotensin II concentration, renal blood flow, and arterial blood pressure in six conscious dogs during intravenous infusion of angiotensin II (5, 10, and 20 ng/kg per min). The same measurements were made on a different occasion in the same six animals, while they were conscious, before and during constriction of a main renal artery. Arterial blood pressure and plasma angiotensin II rose and renal blood flow decreased in both experiments. The similarity of regressions for plasma angiotensin II concentration and arterial blood pressure in the two experiments strongly suggests that the rise of circulating angiotensin II after renal artery constriction is sufficient to account for the hypertension by its direct pressor action. As discussed, a different mechanism seems likely to be involved in the later stages of renal hypertension. Angiotensin II is more likely to be in the 5-isoleucine form than in the 5-valine form in the dog. In contrast to the rat, plasma concentrations of the heptapeptide (angiotensin III), hexapeptide, and pentapeptide fragments of angiotensin II are low in the dog.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Physiology

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