Baroreceptor reflex control of arterial hemodynamics in the dog.


Cox R H,Bagshaw R J


The regional differentiation of carotid sinus control of arterial pressure-flow relationships was studied in chloralose-anesthetized dogs. Simulatneous pressure-flow measurements were made in the ascending aorta, the celiac artery, the cranial mesenteric artery, the renal artery, and the femoral artery. The carotid sinuses were bilaterally isolated and perfused with pulsatile pressure. The open-loop reflex gain was not symmetrical about and was maximum at pressures below the closed loop operating point pressure. Changes in both peripheral resistance and cardiac output contributed significantly to the open-loop gain with the former predominating. Aortic impedance for frequencies above 3 Hz was at a minimum at the closed-loop operating point and increased for both higher and lower values of carotid sinus pressure. For the frequency range from 3 to 9 Hz, regional impedance in all of the beds varied inversely with carotid sinus pressure. The sensitivity of the various beds to changes in carotid sinus pressure around the operating point increased in the order celiac less than mesenteric less than renal less than femoral. Following vagotomy, operating point values of regional resistance and sensitivity were significantly increased. This fact suggests that the aortic arch receptors exert a significant influence on regional vascular impedance at operating point pressures. The fraction of cardiac output in the celiac, mesenteric, and renal beds was nearly independent of carotid sinus pressure before and after vagotomy, but that in the femoral bed increased with carotid sinus pressure. These results demonstrate the nonuniform nature of carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreceptor control of regional blood flow.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Physiology

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