1. From the Priority Research Centre for Stroke and Brain Injury (L.K.O., F.R.W., M.N., J.I.)
2. Hunter Medical Research Institute, Australia (L.K.O., A.B., F.R.W., M.N., W.Z.C., C.T., M.K., G.P., K.Z., S.J.J.)
3. National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Research Excellence Stroke Rehabilitation and Brain Recovery, Australia (F.R.W., M.N., L.K.O.)
4. School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy (W.Z.C., C.T., M.K., G.P., K.Z.)
5. Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Priority Research Centre Grow Up Well, John Hunter Children’s Hospital (P.C.)
6. Sahlgrenska University Hospital, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (N.D.A.).
7. Department of Neurology, John Hunter Hospital (A.B.), University of Newcastle, Australia
8. School of Electrical Engineering and Computing (S.J.J.)
9. Centre for Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology and Department of Internal Medicine (J.I.)