1. British Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular Science (M.K.D., M.N.M., A.J.M., J.P.M.A., R.B., M.S., M.D., A.S., M.C.W., E.J.R.v.B., M.R.D., D.E.N., P.D.A.), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
2. Edinburgh Imaging, Queen’s Medical Research Institute University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Rebecca Gillen, Nick Weir, Michelle C Williams, Edwin JR van Beek, David E Newby).
3. Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit (L.F.), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
4. Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Imaging, Medicine, and Biomedical Sciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA (D.D., P.J.S.).
5. Christchurch Heart Institute, University of Otago, Christchurch, NZ (P.D.A.).