Presence of multiple subpopulations of lipoproteins of intermediate density in normal subjects.


Musliner T A,Giotas C,Krauss R M


Analysis of human plasma by gradient gel electrophoresis (GGE) revealed multiple distinct bands in the size range between very low density (VLDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL). GGE of intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL) from normal subjects consistently showed two major bands with particle diameters in the range of 275 to 300 A. The larger, usually predominant subspecies was designated IDL-1, and the smaller, IDL-2. GGE also demonstrated two sizes of subpopulations in the VLDL density range in all subjects. A discontinuous nonequilibrium density gradient ultracentrifugation technique was devised to isolate a series of fractions containing progressively smaller lipoproteins. Successive fractions showed progressive enrichment in cholesteryl-esters, depletion of triglyceride, slower migration on agarose, and depletion of apo E and the C apolipoproteins relative to apo B. The IDL-1 and IDL-2 subspecies appeared to represent two distributions of lipoproteins overlapping in size (particle diameter 280-300 A and 268-284 A, respectively) and buoyant density (d = 1.008-1.022 g/ml and d = 1.013-1.028 g/ml, respectively). Plasma from two patients with dysbetalipoproteinemia showed predominant increases in fractions normally containing small VLDL and IDL-1, while patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia had increases primarily in levels of larger VLDL. Heterogeneity of lipoprotein precursors could account for the discrete subspecies of LDL observed in human plasma.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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