1. From the Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center (O.A.C., P.S., E.S.G., R.M.H., M.E.M., N.L., C.A.M., G.K.O.), University of Virginia, Charlottesville
2. Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics (O.A.C., G.K.O.), University of Virginia, Charlottesville
3. Department of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Sciences (O.A.C., M.C.), Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, OH
4. Department of Pathology (R.M.H.), University of Virginia, Charlottesville
5. Molecular Biotechnology Core, Research Core Services (S.B.), Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, OH
6. Antibody Engineering and Technology Core (B.B.), University of Virginia, Charlottesville
7. Department of Cell Biology (B.B), University of Virginia, Charlottesville
8. Indiana Biosciences Research Institute, Indianapolis (B.B.).
9. Department of Pharmacology (N.L.), University of Virginia, Charlottesville
10. Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine (C.A.M.), University of Virginia, Charlottesville