1. Institute for Health and Equity Division of Biostatistics Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee WI
2. Cardiovascular Center Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee WI
3. Division of Cardiology Department of Medicine Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee WI
4. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Milwaukee WI
5. Division of Public Health Sciences Department of Biostatistical Sciences Wake Forest School of Medicine Winston Salem NC
6. Department of Radiology School of Medicine and Public Health University of Wisconsin Madison WI
7. Division of Cardiology and Department of Radiology Department of Medicine Johns Hopkins University Baltimore MD
8. Division of Public Health Sciences Wake Forest School of Medicine Winston Salem NC
9. Epidemiological Cardiology Research Center Department of Epidemiology and Prevention Wake Forest School of Medicine Winston Salem NC
10. Section on Cardiology Department of Internal Medicine Wake Forest School of Medicine Winston Salem NC