1. From the Departments of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases (P.M., L.T., P.P., M.O., W.T., P.P., W.W.), Transplantation, (M.M., D.J.), Hematology (Z.W.), and Hemodynamics and Angiocardiography (K.Z.), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland; John Paul II Hospital, Krakow, Poland (P.M., L.T., M.K., T.M.-J., P.K., W.S., R.P.B., M.K., P.P., M.O., K.Z., M.P., W.T., P.P.); The Christ Hospital Heart and Vascular Center—The Lindner Center for Research and Education, Cincinnati, OH (W.M., D.J.K.); and Third...