1. Department of Internal Medicine I, Center of Cardiovascular Diseases, University Hospital, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, Würzburg, Bayern, Germany (S.H., B.F., T.S., D.L., K.H., D.G., M.C., S.S., W.V., S.F., G.E., P.N.).
2. Comprehensive Heart Failure Center (S.H., T.S., D.G., M.C., S.S., W.V., S.F., G.E., F.W., P.N.)
3. University Hospital Würzburg, Germany. Department of Internal Medicine II, St Katharinen Hospital Unna, Germany (J.S.).
4. Department of Internal Medicine, Städtisches Krankenhaus Kiel, Germany (M.B.).
5. Institute of Radiology, University Ulm, Germany (S.G.).
6. Institute of Pathology, University Giessen and Marburg, Germany (C.B., R.L.).
7. Department of Heart, Thorax and Thoracovascular Surgery (K.L.)
8. ISAS Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences, Germany (K.L.).