1. Inherited Cardiac Arrhythmia Program, Children’s Hospital Boston (R.H., V.B.-L., D.J.A.).
2. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (V.B.-L., M.E.P., B.A.M., A.M., D.J.A., N.K.L.).
3. Department of Dermatology (M.E.P., A.M.), Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
4. Department of Medicine, Frankel Cardiovascular Center, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI (A.D., E.S.).
5. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Mater University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland (E.J.).
6. Department of Pathology (S.C.), Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
7. Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN (L.W.S.).
8. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine (A.L.C., N.K.L.), Brigham and Women’s Hospital.