1. Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Herzzentrum Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany (N.M., A.L.).
2. Department of Internal Medicine III, Knappschaftskrankenhaus, Klinikum Westfalen, Dortmund, Germany (A.F.).
3. Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care, SRH Wald-Klinikum, Gera, Germany (M.-A.O.).
4. Department of Cardiology, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, Switzerland (D.W.).
5. Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care, Medizin Campus Bodensee, Friedrichshafen, Germany (J.W.).
6. Dresden Cardiovascular Research Institute and Core Laboratories GmbH, Germany (A.L.).
7. Department of Cardiology, Heart Center Leipzig, University Hospital, Germany (G.S.).
8. Department of Internal Medicine II, University Hospital Ulm, Germany (S.M.).
9. Department of Cardiology, Cantonal Hospital Baselland, Liestal, Switzerland (G.L.).
10. Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Switzerland (P.R., N.G., C.K., R.V.J.).
11. Department of Clinical Research, University Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Switzerland (M.C.).
12. Department of Cardiology, Angiology and Intensive Care, University of Saarland, Homburg, Germany (B.S.).