1. From the National Research Laboratory for Cardiovascular Stem Cell (M.-S.K., C.-S.L., J.-H., H.-J.C., S.-I.J., T.-Y.K., S.-W.L., J.-W.S., K.-W.P., H.-Y.L., H.-J.K., H.-S.K.), Innovative Research Institute for Cell Therapy (M.-S.K., C.-S.L., J.-H., H.-J.C., S.-I.J., T.-Y.K., S.-W.L., J.-W.S., K.-W.P., H.-Y.L., H.-J.K., Y.-B.P., H.-S.K.), and Department of Nuclear Medicine (D.-S.L.), Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea; Biomedical Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and...