1. From the Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology (G.D., S.A.S., K.R., H.C.), University of Iowa
2. Division of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine (L.L.M.), University of Iowa
3. Department of Physiology (V.A.W., K.B., C.D.S., A.E.K., J.L.G.), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
4. Iowa Institute for Human Genetics (K.L.K.), University of Iowa
5. Obesity Research and Education Initiative (K.R., H.C.), University of Iowa
6. Iowa Neuroscience Institute (K.R., H.C.), University of Iowa
7. Cardiovascular Center (C.D.S., A.E.K., J.L.G.), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
8. Department of Medicine (A.E.K.), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
9. Department of Biomedical Engineering (J.L.G.), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
10. Comprehensive Rodent Metabolic Phenotyping Core (J.L.G.), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.