1. From the Department of Advanced Biomedical Science (J.G., D.S., A.F., B.T., G.I., G. Santulli), University of Naples Federico II, NA, Italy
2. Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Wilf Family Cardiovascular Research Institute (J.G., X.W., M.B.M., G. Santulli), Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore University Hospital, NY
3. Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Fleischer Institute for Diabetes and Metabolism (FIDAM) (J.G., X.W., M.B.M., G. Santulli), Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore University Hospital, NY
4. International Translational Research and Medical Education Consortium (ITME), NA, Italy (J.G., B.T., G. Santulli)
5. Department of Translational Medical Sciences and Interdepartmental Center for Research in Basic and Clinical Immunology Sciences (M.B., S.L., A.P., L.C., I.M., G. Spadaro), University of Naples Federico II, NA, Italy
6. Montevergine Hospital, Mercogliano, Italy (M.R.)
7. Department of Medicine and Surgery (M.R., M.O., M.C.), University of Salerno, Italy.
8. Division of Biomedicine, Department of Pharmaceutical Science (P.C., M.S.), University of Salerno, Italy.