1. GRAvEs R. J.: Clinical Lectures on the Practice of Medicine ed. 2 edited by Dr. Neligan. Preface by Dr. Armand Trousseau. London New Sydenham Society 1884 p. 1321.
2. MAJOR R. H.: Classic Descriptions of Disease. Springfield Illinois. Charles C Thomas Publisher 1932 p. 238.
3. GRAVEs R. J.: F.R.S. Studies in Physiology and Medicine. Edited by William Stokes London J. Churchill and Sons 1863.
4. GRAVES , R. J. : Biography. Medical Classics 5 : 21, 1941 - 1942 .
5. STELLHORN C. E.: Bookshelf Browsing. Amer J Surg 28: 183 1935.