1. Department of Pediatric Cardiology Hospital de Santa Marta Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central Lisbon Portugal
2. Division of Pediatric Cardiology Department of Pediatrics Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine Houston TX
3. Division of Pediatric Cardiology Department of Pediatrics Lucile Packard Children's Hospital and Stanford University Palo Alto CA
4. Division of Pediatric Cardiology Children's Hospital Colorado Denver CO
5. Division of Pediatric Cardiology Children's Hospital and Medical Center Omaha NE
6. University of Nebraska College of Medicine Omaha NE
7. Department of Cardiology Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston MA
8. CEDOC Chronic Diseases Nova Medical School Lisbon Portugal
9. Ressonância Magnética Caselas S.A. Lisbon Portugal
10. Biomedical Engineering Department Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon Portugal
11. Pediatric Cardiology Department Hospital Pediátrico de Coimbra Coimbra Portugal