1. Population Health Sciences Bristol Medical School University of Bristol Bristol UK
2. Medical Research Council Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol Bristol UK
3. Department of Epidemiology Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston MA
4. Division of Women’s Health Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston MA
5. Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender BiologyBrigham and Women’s Hospital Boston MA
6. Mathematica Cambridge MA
7. K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology Department of Public Health and Nursing NTNUNorwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway
8. HUNT Research Center Department of Public Health and Nursing NTNUNorwegian University of Science and Technology Levanger Norway
9. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Levanger HospitalNord‐Trøndelag Hospital Trust Levanger Norway
10. Department of Public Health and Nursing NTNUNorwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway
11. Department of Medicine Levanger HospitalNord‐Trøndelag Hospital Trust Levanger Norway
12. Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging NTNUNorwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway
13. Cardiac Clinic St Olavs HospitalTrondheim University Hospital Trondheim Norway
14. Department of Endocrinology Clinic of Medicine St. Olavs HospitalTrondheim University HospitalNorwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway