1. From the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (G.P.F., M.A., L.M., E. Boscaro, S.V.d.K., C.A., G.B., M.R., E. Bertacco, G.C., A.T., A. Avogaro); and Department of Thoracic, Cardiac, and Vascular Sciences (A. Angelini, C.C., M. Menegolo, F.G.), University of Padova, Italy; Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine (G.P.F., M.A., L.M., C.A., A.C., A. Avogaro), Padova, Italy; Venetian Institute of Oncology (R.B., L.B.), IRCCS, Padova, Italy; Laboratory Medicine (M. Mion, M.P.), University...